Be Your Own Barista With The Smarter Wi-Fi Coffee Machine


Getting up in the morning is hard enough. Getting up knowing you have the arduous task in front of you of trudging to kitchen and making coffee? That’s nearly unbearable.

Well with The Smarter Wi-Fi Coffee Maker, this agony may no longer be a problem. With a click on your smartphone from under your covers, this coffee maker will brew you a perfect temperature coffee.

Make coffee runs- or coffee runs to the kitchen- a thing of the past with Smarter’s Wi-Fi Coffee Maker.

Pets Wrecking The House? Keep Track Of Fido With Petcube!

With all the home improvement projects boasted about over at Idea Corner, there’s something that hasn’t been factored in… PETS! These lovable goofballs can often being the culprit of ruining some of the best home improvements around.

Introducing, The Petcube!

Connected to your smartphone’s Wi-Fi, this pet cam keeps track of your dogs movements when you’re on the go. Not only that, but with a built in microphone you can say “Hey boy! Get down!” miles away from your home. Even play with your dogs (or cats) while at work by using the built in laser pointer.

Don’t worry about the paint drying getting ruined with paws or new furniture being chewed up, instead get your hands on a Petcube.