Feeling The Chicago Freeze? Check Out The Nest Labs Thermostat


Ever wish your home knew when to heat up and cool down depending on the intense weather outside? Well with Nest Labs Thermostat, developers are getting pretty close!

This thermostat uses Wi-Fi and sensors to remember the temperatures you prefer at home. It is compatible with a majority of HVAC systems and turns the temperature down when you're not home.

Want to adjust the temperature remotely? No problem! Access the system with your smart phone, tablet or even your laptop on the go.

So don't suffer through waiting for the heat to turn on coming in from the Chicago cold. Check out Nest Labs Thermostat and keep comfortable.


Adding Lacquer & Lace To A Tired Desk


A less than stellar desk by Rlcollins3

Everyone has bought that one piece of furniture. At a garage sale or a thrift store, they become convinced that they will be the ones to save a couch, desk or vanity from furniture purgatory. Unfortunately, so often these pieces get shoved into the recesses of a basement or garage after purchase, never to be touched again. Well, Rlcollins3 offers a different path for those impulse desk buyers with just a few coats of paint and a lace application.


Required supplies by Rlcollins3

These are the required supplies to achieve this look:

  • Kilz primer
  • Behr Polar Bear White paint
  • Target Devine Pond paint
  • Polyacrylic paint
  • White Satin finish spray paint
  • Silver spray paint
  • Martha Stewart Metallic paint
  • Lace fabric
  • Trash bag

Apply the Kilz primer to the surface of the desk as well as the front of all the desk drawers. After this dries, paint these same surfaces with two coats of Devine Pond paint.


Priming by Rlcollins3



Painting by Rlcollins3


Following the painting process, place a drawer in a trash bag, only leaving the front exposed. Cover the whole front of the drawer in lace, securing the trash bag tightly around the drawer to keep the lace in place. Spray white spray paint over the lace pattern. Remove the lace and repeat this step for each drawer.

For extra touches of flair, use the Martha Stewart Metallic paint on the trim of both the desk’s surface and the edges of the drawers. Spray paint all the hardware with silver spray paint.


This elaborate desk drawer is awesome by Rlcollins3


With the handles in place and drawers pushed in, this long ignored desk of drabness found its way to furniture salvation.


The spectacular end result by Rlcollins3

Dreaming Of Summer: A Home Deck Project


trexmoflex‘s gorgeous DIY deck

Chicago’s forecast for the past two weeks has been anywhere between -10 and 10 degrees. Not exactly a reason to smile. But here’s one way to distract from numbing fingers: planning an awesome backyard deck.

Reddit user trexmoflex‘s backyard deck may spark some great inspiration. With enough wood, tools and some helping hands, this deck can be a part of anyone’s backyard in just 3 days for less than $3000.

Assembling the required supplies for a deck may seem daunting, but it actually couldn’t be simpler. Consult a local hardware store or even Home Depot for the best type and amount wood for the type of deck desired. Then gather the wood stains and tools to secure the deck in the ground.


Gathering the supplies by trexmoflex


In process foundation by trexmoflex

Lay the initial two boards horizontally for the vertical slats to sit on. Secure these slats for the foundation with a power drill. Hopefully, multiple people will be working on the deck’s foundation so staining can begin. After staining, secure the deck’s surface also with a power drill. The process of surface application will take less time than the foundation.

Finally, for a more inviting look, try adding a built-in bench. Using a saw, cut the left-over wood from the deck to size and drill the legs of the bench into the deck’s surface. After adding the seat for the bench, finish off the built-in by adding a surround to the edges of the bench.


trexmoflex building a bench


This weekend project will not only add more living space but actual equity to a home. So don’t stress about a Chicago winter, dream of a Chicago summer!


A side-glance at the side deck by trexmoflex


And if you’re more of a planner than a builder, contact Chicago Handyman for a quote on deck services for your home. 

Get The Stainless Look Without The Stainless Budget

diy stainless steel

Stainless steel is probably one of the most popular kitchen elements today. However, these appliances can be expensive and don’t necessarily clean any better than non-stainless appliances.

And now, there’s no need to pay the price. Blogger Julie Blanner has given homeowners everywhere the greatest gift: a DIY stainless makeover solution for under $10!

diy kitchen update

Pick up these materials:

  • Stainless Steel Contact Paper
  • Scissors
  • Razor Blade
  • Credit card (not just to buy the supplies!)

Begin by cutting the contact paper 3 inches longer than the length of the dishwasher. Open the (empty and clean) dishwasher and start at the edge. Line the contact paper up with the top and start peeling the paper an inch at a time. Begin applying the stainless contact paper from top to bottom, smoothing it out with a credit card along the way. Make sure a partner holds the tension on the paper to eliminate the majority of bubbles.

stainless dishwasher

To finish it up, cut any excess paper off and let the paper meet with the bottom edge of the appliance. Following application of the paper, smooth out any bubbles remaining with a credit card.


The same steps can be done with any appliance, just add more stainless contact paper!

So if there’s no budget for stainless, don’t sweat it! Find some change in the couch and get this look for less than a day of work.


A Mosaic Table To Accent Any Room


Final product by am_i_man_or_muppet


Adding the molding by am_i_man_or_muppet

Some tables are supposed to be basic surfaces to eat on. A mosaic table is not one of them. While a mosaic table can be eaten on, it will also add an artistic flair to any room in a home. Don’t worry about being an expert craftsperson either. With a simple surface, moulding, wood glue, a brad nailer, glass scraps, epoxy resin and grout, a mosaic table can be made by even the most amateur home improvers.

First, attach the molding to the corners of the table. This creates a border for the mosaic to be placed in. All the molding should be cut at a 45 degree angle beforehand. Then using a brad nailer and wood glue, secure the molding to each side of the table.


In process design by am_i_man_or_muppet

Depending on how fluid or particular the design, there may be a period of sketching on the table surface. Reddit user, am_i_man_or_muppet, preferred to lay glass and beading as they went, allowing the end project to surprise them. Glue down the glass and bead pieces with any type of glue on hand. Arranging the glass and beading is the longest part of the process but also the most enjoyable.


The grout-y mess by am_i_man_or_muppet

When all the pieces are glued down, it is time for the grouting to begin. This will be a messy, grout-y process but totally worth it. The grout should be all over the glass by the end of the application. To keep the grout moist, spray it with water while you squeegee it off. Once all the grout is removed, pour a layer of epoxy resin to seal in the pieces of glass and beading.

All that’s left to do is find a place for this piece of art-slash-furniture. Enjoy!