Upcycle A Thrift Store Chair Without Losing The Vintage Charm

Nicole Avatar
Upcycle A Thrift Store Chair Without Losing The Vintage Charm


Some chairs have beautiful bones but need some help with aesthetics. Well luckily Camp Clem has a solution for any homeowner: a simple, inexpensive upcycling project for any thrift store chair find. 

These are the required supplies to take any chair from drab to fab:

  • Sander
  • Primer
  • Tan paint
  • Paint brush
  • Sponge Brush
  • Aqua paint
  • Sand block

The first step is to sand down the chair lightly. Then, prime the chair completely.


Once primed, paint the chair with tan to show through for that aged look. When dry, apply a coat of aqua with a sponge brush.




For that distressed look, utilize a sand block on the surface of the entire chair. This will cause the tan and original wood color to show through. To show extra wear, locate the areas of most wear on the original chair before beginning this project.


When completed, this project will result not only in a pop of color but a dash of vintage as well!