You’ve Heard Of A Roomba… Here’s The Scooba!


The Roomba was quite the alternative to the vacuums. No more leaning over to reach the dusty corners of the kitchen. No need to roll the heavy thing back and forth. Well now, iRobot introduces another kitchen solution, The Scooba!

The Scooba uses Hard Floor Cleaner and a 40-minute cycle to clean even the toughest, sticky messes. Pre-soaking, scrubbing and making your floors squeaky clean, The Scooba not only mops for you, but removes over 99 percent of bacteria.

So shave some time off your daily cleaning and get The Scooba today!

Freshen Up A Wall-Mounted TV, Add A Frame!

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No matter how fancy or hi-tech a TV is, it will always just be another household appliance. To make a TV into a moving image art piece, consider framing the screen with this easy home project from Remodelaholic.

Start by gathering items from the hardware store or local lumber yard:

  • Recycled wood boards
  • 4 wooden corner blocks
  • Drill
  • Nails
  • Hammers


To begin the project, cut the four wood boards for the sides of the frame. Lay down 4 wooden corner blocks on the outside corners, and nail through the mitered edges of the frame.

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To add dimension, add bead wood to the inside of the frame. Following this addition, add another set of wood boards to the outside edges of the frame to cover the edges of the TV.

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Finally, drill 6 holes along the top of the frame for the TV’s ventilation. Then all that’s left is to slide the frame over the mounted TV.

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Don’t settle for a great TV, enhance the viewing experience with a stylish, wooden TV frame.

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Even More Eco-Friendly Flooring!


Previously, Chicago Handyman gave some tips on installing cork flooring, a very eco-friendly option indeed. Ready for an even cheaper, more eco-friendly flooring? Brown Paper Bags!

Sure, it sounds a little bit like a kindergarten art project, but it is actually a great floor and puts those lunch sacks to use.

To start, gather these materials:

  • Brown craft paper/brown paper bags
  • Gallon of Elmer’s Glue
  • Small bucket
  • Paint brush
  • Roller tray
  • Stain
  • Floor Grade Polyurethane
  • 3″ chip brush

While this may seem like a long list, it’s actually pretty affordable at under $100 and can be used for up to two or three rooms.


Following shopping, prepare the floors for the material. Whether this means pulling up ratty carpet or shorty wood, do so. Then sand down any high spots in the subfloor, removing nails and filling in any gaps.

Once the subfloor is prepped, begin tearing up pieces of the brown paper, separating straight edged ones from the more choppy. These pieces should be between 6″-12″ diameter and once torn, balled up and put aside until application.


With the Elmer’s Glue ready, begin to paint the first area on the floor with the glue and then put 5-6 paper balls in the glue mix. Dunk them quickly, squeeze them and set them aside until they reach the floor.

Then start laying the pieces! For a more natural look, overlap the pieces bit by bit. Make sure to watch out for tears or inconsistencies.

Finally, using an extension pole, apply the stain and poly to the new flooring. This will be the longest part of the process because both steps need ample time for drying.

When dry, this green, durable flooring will not only help the environment, but ignite dinner party conversation.


Need more details? Check out Lovely Crafty Home for a step-by-step guide.

Looking for more flooring? Call Chicago Handyman for a quote on floor installation today!