Redefining An Old Space For The New Year

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Final Product from dat_asthma

I hope you all having been having a lovely holiday season! I know I have. But after all the holiday celebrations and visits, you might have found a room or two that is just not suiting your needs. Or maybe you got uber jealous of a cool friend’s super updated place. So I’ve decided to post a great DIY room repurposing from Reddit user, dat_asthma. This DIY-er turned a bland guest bedroom into a combined bedroom/office space, and you can too!

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Before from dat_asthma

Initially, you will need to measure out the space in which you will put your frame for the elevated office area. Once you measure the area, cut your boards to size. Screw them together in the shape of your frame.

Then you need to attach simple brackets to the wall and short wooden supports to your desired height. Place the frame on the brackets and bolt it into the brick wall. Next you should add two square shaped supports to the front of the frame. Make sure to screw these square supports into the floor to sustain the weight of the office space.

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Completed frame by dat_asthma

For further support, add vertical beams for the floor board to sit on. For the retractable bed, install a simple bed frame on locked castor wheels underneath the office area. With all the supportive materials in place, it’s time to add the decorative features.

With the floor board and foot boards in, you can now start adding paneling. You will add handles for the pull-out bed and leave an area to add stairs. Paneling should be screwed to the front of both of these areas. Then add 20mm chipboard for the subfloor beneath the laminate you are about to install.

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Adding paneling to the frame by dat_asthma

Installing the laminate flooring is incredibly simple after attaching a plastic foam layer to the chipboard. After the laminate floor is installed, add trim to the office area and skirting to the bottom area. With the basics completed, you should paint a layer of wood primer and then several coats of white enamel paint.

Your last step is to fit the mattress into the pull out space. With that installed, you now have a convertible home office and bedroom that you and your guests will love.

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After from dat_asthma

Old Home? These Quick, Easy Updates Will Blow Your Mind!

Sometimes a vintage touch brings interest to a home. However, if every room in a home is a remnant of the 60’s, 70’s or 80’s, it might be time for a remodel. If there’s time or no money for a full-blown renovation, check out these fixes to revamp a space provided by Kim Anderson!


A new paint job can revitalize any room. Paint can be costly, but here’s a tip: check out the “Oops!” painting section. These paint cans were returned by customers, not because they didn’t work, but because they didn’t work for them. Pick up a few of these cans for less than $5 and watch the room transform.



Counter Tops

A new paint color on the walls not enough? For kitchens and baths, consider painting the countertops! There are products  made for painting countertops & Anderson says her countertop has lasted 3 years with barely any chipping.





This last update will be the most expensive, but possibly the most rewarding. For between $40 & $150, new lighting in any room can change the brightness and sight lines of a room. Try a dome light in eating areas, new vanity lighting in bathrooms and updated ceiling fans in bedrooms.



So don’t stress about renovation budgets or hiring a construction crew, try these simple fixes to restyle a home!


Ready for a large scale renovation? Call Chicago Handyman today! 


The Top 5 Ways To Add Color To Any Room!

In modern interior design, neutrals are always stressed as being the best pallet to go with. But not everyone can settle for a “blah” room. Enter… accent colors! These five tips from Buzzfeed will revitalize any room’s decor leaving it with a classy and colorful look.

1. Frame Up Some Color!


Don’t leave picture frames bare, add some colorful construction paper as backing to standard or black and white photos.

2. Colorblock Shelves To The Rescue


Whether in the living room, library or bedroom, organizing shelving items by hue will liven up all plain old built-ins.

3. Don’t Combat- Contrast!


Those pesky neutrals mentioned before? Use them to their fullest potential! Contrast a bright color with a neutral for dramatic yet balanced style.

4. Scrounge Up Some Colorful Flooring


Who says only walls or accessories can provide a burst of color? Technicolor rugs and flooring can liven up even the most bland rooms.

5. Stick To A Favorite!


Whether cerulean calls or bright green beckons, utilizing the color in a few key places will definitely catch the eye.

Check out more ways to revamp old spaces at Chicago Handyman’s Idea Corner!

Create The Best Canopy Bed On Any Budget!


Chicago Handyman has shown step-by-step guides for headboards and other bedroom improvements, and now it’s time for another bedroom improvement project: a fashionable, affordable canopy bed.

The supplies for this project should cost no more than $10:

  • 10-inch embroidery hoop
  • 44-inch rod-pocket curtain panels
  • 24-inch half-inch wide ribbon
  • Pot rack hook


For starters, unscrew the embroidery hoop and discard the inner ring. Follow this by sliding the curtain panels onto the hoop and screwing the embroidery hoop back together.


Now take the ribbon and tie it in a double-knot at each side where there are gaps between the curtain panels. Then tie the loose ends together in a bow.


Finally comes the hard part, screw the pot rack into the ceiling. Make sure that the pot-rack in secure and slip the center of the bow over the hook to hang it.



When all the steps are completed, any bedroom will look much more glamorous and be turned into the ultimate oasis.

For a complete overview and other canopy bed ideas, check out DIY roundup.