Pets Wrecking The House? Keep Track Of Fido With Petcube!

With all the home improvement projects boasted about over at Idea Corner, there’s something that hasn’t been factored in… PETS! These lovable goofballs can often being the culprit of ruining some of the best home improvements around.

Introducing, The Petcube!

Connected to your smartphone’s Wi-Fi, this pet cam keeps track of your dogs movements when you’re on the go. Not only that, but with a built in microphone you can say “Hey boy! Get down!” miles away from your home. Even play with your dogs (or cats) while at work by using the built in laser pointer.

Don’t worry about the paint drying getting ruined with paws or new furniture being chewed up, instead get your hands on a Petcube.

Want To Increase A Home’s Value? Here’s The Top 5 Projects To Tack Onto A To-Do List!

Some can’t afford to do a total home makeover. But whether it’s time to get a home ready to sell or the rooms in the house need an upgrade, these 5 projects will definitely increase a home’s value and only cost some sweat equity and the cost for supplies.

1. Paint The Kitchen Cabinents

paint-your-kitchen-cabinets-682x1024If a new set of countertops or stainless steel appliances aren’t in the budget, try painting the cabinets. Freshening them up with white or adding a pop of color will revamp any home’s tired food hub.

2. Change The Light Fixtures


Even in the dullest of rooms, new fixtures can burst new light on the scene. With many options of patterns, shapes and textures, new table or ceiling lamps can boost the style of any room.

3. Install Hardwood Floors


It should go without saying, but if you’re looking for a reasonably priced project to improve a home’s value, add hardwood floors. (And Chicagoans, check out Chicago Handyman’s great rates on flooring install!)

4. Apply Baseboard Trim

DIY-Baseboard-TrimWe all know luxury homes have crown molding… but what about baseboards? This quick addition will definitely attract the eye in any home.

5. Plant Drought Tolerant Landscaping


Home value upgrades should be made from the inside, out. Planting drought tolerant plants ensures a curb appeal all year long.

For even more projects to increase a home’s value, check out Christian Personal Finance’s article with even more ideas on how to raise a home’s style and equity!



The Makerbot Replicator Mini May Be The Start Of The 3-D Printing Revolution

3-D printing was always a fantasy for kids, a limited reality for art school students and a real but specialty item in large company innovations. However, Makerbot is bringing 3-D home to people with their Makerbot Replicator Mini.


At $1,375, the printer is expensive by some standards, but by far the most affordable 3-D printer on the market. Whether you need to make a model for class or looking to make a new product like a clock, i-Pad stand or phone case, a 3-D printer could be a great asset for any home.

So create a 3-D life with Makerbot Replicator Mini.

Light Up The Room, Build An LED Light Table!


Happy Monday, Chicago Handyman readers! Ready for a great summer project? Need to light up a room and hate the messy cords of floor lamps or harsh overhead lighting? Well, build an LED Light Table and resolve those problems in just a few hours and $50.

Start by getting together these materials:

  • Wood
  • 3 or 4 strip LED light kit
  • Frosted sheet of plexiglass
  • 3M tape
  • Wood glue
  • Wood clamp


Gather together the wood and make sure each side is notched. Then gut a groove into the top of the wood where the plexiglass will go. Slide the wood sides together and fit in the plexiglass to make sure everything is the correct size.


At the bottom of the box, drill a hole for the power cord to slip through and attach to the wall. Tape down the 4 LED strips using 3M tape. Test the lights to make sure the wiring is working properly.



Finally, glue together all the pieces of the wood box using wood glue and utilize wood clamps so it dries quickly and efficiently.

With this final step, the LED table is complete and ready to be gawked at by guests.

For a complete set of instructions, check out Remove and Replace’s article on building an LED light table.

Top 3 Water Features To Liven Up A Backyard This Summer!

Summer is finally around the corner! And that means barbecues, summer breezes and many more people chilling out in the backyard. But don’t worry, Chicago Handyman’s got it covered.

Here’s the top 3 water features to enhance any backyard into an oasis:

1. Outdoor Fireplace


Heat up a cool summer night with a cozy fireplace. This won’t only make getting out of the pool more bearable, but provide a second living space!

2. Pond Niche


No need for an overstated feature. Instead, create a quaint reflective space in the yard by tucking a bamboo and stone pond in the corner.

3. Bubbling Containers


These beautiful fountains can be attained on any budget. Buy one at the hardware store or convert a garden container into this water feature.

Want more ideas? Check out HGTV’s article on budget-friendly water features.