Need To Change Up A Space? Try a $40 Interior Sliding Door!


Whether it’s a loft, cramped rental or a home that’s in need of a unique look, an interior sliding door can add interest and value to a residence. And for just $40, the price for this life-changing (OK, maybe not that dramatic) project cannot be beat.

These are the required supplies:

  • 2 plumbing flanges
  • 1 (possibly 2) plumbing angle brackets
  • Length of plumbing pipe
  • 3 “hinged loops”
  • 2 full sheets of masonite
  • 1 bundle of 2×2’s
  • 2 small wheels
  • Assorted nails/brads
  • 20 wood screws
  • Nail gun or hammer
  • Screw driver
  • Level

Using the 2X2’s, create a wood frame matching the dimensions of the masonite that will function as the door.  Then nail the masonite to the frame, making sure the surface is firm.


Following the door construction, add wheels to the bottom of it. The best type of wheels to utilize are ones that only work in one direction.


Next comes the top of the door function. Begin by screwing hinged loops to the top of the door with wood screws. Slide the pre-cut pipe into these hinged loops. Don’t forget to add any flanges or angled pieces necessary to the pipe.


After leveling where the door will hang and marking the places for drill holes, attach the plumbing hardware to the wall.


Test the door and if it slides cleanly, voila! This door will add value to the home and provide a modern touch to any home.

For more instructions, check out Apartment Therapy!


Don’t Buy A New Sink, Paint The Old!

Chicago Handyman has shared a fair share of bathroom remodeling ideas, but none as quite as simple as this one! With some simple paint and a few days of work, an 70’s sink nightmare can be brought into the 21st century.

Here’s the required materials:

  • Brush-on Epoxy Paint Kit
  • Top quality brush

To start this project, the sink will need more than a quick clean, it’ll require a full-on scrub down. In the paint kit, steel wool and a cleaner are usually provided. After making sure the sink is sparkling, it’s time to paint.

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Apply the first coat of epoxy paint. Use any brush strokes desired, just don’t leave drips! Wait 3 hours between coats, allowing the epoxy to set.

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Follow the first coat with a second, again allowing another 3 hours for the epoxy to set.

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If a third coat is necessary, another 72 hours has to elapse before it’s applied.

Once the coat dries, feel free to splash around in the sink! With no plumbing to refigure or vanity to install, an old fixture can revitalize a bathroom. No sweat equity necessary!

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For a step-by-step guide, check this out. And for a more extensive bathroom remodel, call Chicago Handyman today!

The Best Cabinet Space Saver Of All Time


Pots and pans are the largest, clunkiest and often most essential cookware of any kitchen. They can take up valuable cabinet space and leave renters and homeowners wondering where to store them without leaving them lazily on top of the stove top. Well, fear no more! This pegboard wall organizer from Decorology solves all future pots and pans storage nightmares in a stylish and functional way.

With just these materials, this project can be completed quickly and cheaply for a great look:

  • Pegboard
  • Framing wood
  • Pegboard hooks
  • Tool racks
  • Anchors
  • Screws
  • Paint (in desired color)

Begin by cutting wood boards to the proper framing size. This provides space between the wall and pegboard so later the hooks can be inserted.


Before attaching the pegboard to any surface, paint it the desired

Then mount the framing board to kitchen wall and then attach the pegboard to the frame. Measure where to put the anchor screws and line up the screws in the frame. Finally, tighten the screws into the anchors.



Finally it is time to design the pots and pans arrangement. For an interesting layout, use a variety of hook sizes and types. This will bring visual interest to any kitchen.


So for an edgy, sophisticated kitchen, look no further than a pegboard wall organizer for all pots and pans storage.


For even more kitchen design, call Chicago Handyman for a quote today!

Need To Step It Up? Check out this Vanity Step Upgrade!

Whether a household is full of kids, people of shorter stature or abnormally tall vanities, Ana White’s vanity step drawer is a simple way to make any bathroom more accessible. With a few tools from around the home and some inexpensive materials, any vanity can be upgraded to suit any house.


Here’s the required supplies:

  • 1 set of heavy duty 16″ door slides
  • 1 1X3″ @ 8 feet long board
  • 1 3/4″ plywood 16″ and the width of the board
  • 2-inch finish nails
  • 1 1/4″ Pocket Hole Screws
  • Wood Glue
  • 120 grit sandpaper
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Hammer
  • Kreg Jig
  • Drill
  • Circular Saw
  • Brad Nailer
  • Countersink Drill Bit

vanity-drawer-step-stool-7Begin by removing any doors from the vanity as well as the toe kick. Before beginning the rest of the project, make sure to fill any holes with wood filler and sand with the 120 grit sandpaper in the direction of the woodgrain. Following this preparation, take measurements of the height and width of the drawer and toe kick areas to assure all the wood board pre-cut sizes will work.


Once all the measuring precautions are taken, attach plywood on top of the drawer and secure it with 2″ nails and wood glue. Using the directions on the wood slide box, attach the slides to the step drawer and the opening for the drawer. Reattach the toe kick to the front of the drawer for aesthetic consistency using a Kreg Jig and finished nails.

vanity-drawer-step-stool-9After this step, any bathroom will be an asset to homeowners and overnight visitors alike.


Ready for even more bathroom renovations? Call Chicago Handyman today!



A Solution For All Plug-Ins: Pop-Out Outlets

Sure, outlets are flush with the wall. But honestly, they’re not much to look at. The solution? Pop-Out Outlets!


This user-friendly device can easily be pushed into the wall, looking like a chic, silver square. When needed for hair dryers, razors or any other random bathroom supplies, simply push the square again and out pops not 2 but 3 outlets.


Not only is it user-friendly, but can be user-installed, as long as there is 22 cubic inches available for the hardware. This standard feature in the majority of new homes can now be installed in any old build.

For just over $50, change the style and function of a bathroom in just a few quick steps.